Mobile Home Park and RV Park
The Mobile Home Park and RV Park will be charged 1 EQR per occupied space; laundry and shower houses will be charged as 1 EQR each; each EQR will be charged at the 3/4" water and sewer rate.
Remaining consumers will be charged by the line size as follows for water and sewer:
A) Water (January through December, inclusive)
Size of Water Line | Minimum Monthly Bill | Minimum Gallons | Additional Charge |
3/4" | $ 17.00 | 6,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 6,000 gals. |
1" | $ 23.00 | 8,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 8,000 gals. |
1 ½" | $ 52.00 | 18,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 18,000 gals. |
2" | $ 78.00 | 27,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 27,000 gals. |
3" | $ 190.00 | 66,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 66,000 gals. |
4" | $ 312.00 | 108,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 108,000 gals. |
6" | $1,325.00 | 255,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 255,000 gals. |
(Amended May 11, 1995) (Amended August 10, 2006) (Amended May 10, 2007) (Amended May 8, 2008) (Amended September 10, 2015) (Amended September 12, 2019) (Amended October 14, 2021) (Amended August 10, 2023)
B) Irrigation Water (January through December, inclusive)
Size of Water Line | Minimum Monthly Bill | Minimum Gallons | Additional Charge |
3/4" | $ 17.00 | 6,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 6,000 gals. |
1" | $ 23.00 | 8,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 8,000 gals. |
1 ½" | $ 52.00 | 18,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 18,000 gals. |
2" | $ 78.00 | 27,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 27,000 gals. |
3" | $ 190.00 | 66,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 66,000 gals. |
4" | $ 312.00 | 108,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 108,000 gals. |
6" | $ 1,325.00 | 255,000 | +$3.50 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 255,000 gals. |
(Approved May 13, 2004) (Amended August 10, 2006) (Amended May 10, 2007) (Amended May 8, 2008) (Amended September 10, 2015) (Amended September 12, 2019) (Amended October 14, 2021) (Amended August 10, 2023)
C) Sewer (April through October, inclusive)
Size of Water Service | Monthly Minimum and Flat Rate |
3/4" | $ 32.00 |
1" | $ 47.00 |
1½" | $ 106.00 |
2" | $ 155.00 |
3" | $ 363.00 |
4" | $ 593.00 |
6" | $ 2,499.00 |
Sewer (November through March, inclusive)
Size of Water Line | Minimum Monthly Bill | Minimum Gallons | Additional Charge |
3/4" | $ 32.00 | 6,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 6,000 gals. |
1" | $ 47.00 | 8,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 8,000 gals. |
1 ½" | $ 106.00 | 18,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 18,000 gals. |
2" | $ 155.00 | 27,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 27,000 gals. |
3" | $ 363.00 | 66,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 66,000 gals. |
4" | $ 593.00 | 108,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 108,000 gals. |
6" | $2,499.00 | 255,000 | +$4.00 per 1,000 gals. in excess of 255,000 gals. |
(Amended June 12, 1995) (Amended November 8, 2001) (Amended August 10, 2006) (Amended May 10, 2007) (Amended May 8, 2008) (Amended September 23, 2010) (Amended August 8, 2013) (Amended November 13, 2014) (Amended September 10, 2015) (Amended September 14, 2017) (Amended September 10, 2020) (Amended October 8, 2020) (Amended October 14, 2021) (Amended August 10, 2023)
Miscellaneous Water Uses
A. Building Contractor’s Water Conveyed Through Building Water Service Line
$15.00 minimum or $2.50/1000 gallons, whichever is larger. (By-Laws Section 10A).
(Amended April 13, 2006) (Amended May 10, 2007) (Amended May 8, 2008) (Amended September 12, 2019)
B. Construction Water Conveyed Through Hydrant or Other External
Appurtenance by Non-Designated Contractor Personnel
1. For construction within District limits
$15.00 minimum or $3.00/1000 gallons, whichever is larger. (ByLaws Section 10B(1).
(Amended March 9, 2006)
2. For construction outside of District limits
$15.00 minimum or 50¢ per barrel (42 gallons), whichever is larger, with no District obligation to provide such service. (By-Laws Section 10B(2).
(Amended March 8, 2001) (Amended January 10, 2002) (Amended April 13, 2006) (Amended May 8, 2008)
C. Domestic Water Outside of District Limits
$25.00/month up to 6,000 gallons, excess of 6,000 gallons at $2.50/1000. (By-Laws Section 10C).
(Amended April 17, 1989) (Amended August 10, 2006) (Amended May 8, 2008) (Amended December 11, 2014) (Amended November 12, 2015) (Amended September 12, 2019)
D. Raw Water
$2.35/1000 gallons. (By-Laws Section 10D).
(Approved May 13, 2004) (Amended May 10, 2007) (Amended May 8, 2008)
E. Negotiated Water within District Limits
$7.50/1000 gallons. (By-Laws Section 10E).
(Approved May 8, 2008)
Miscellaneous Sewer Uses
A. Building Contractor’s Sewer Service Connected to Main Sanitary Sewer
All building contractors requesting temporary sewer service shall pay the District a flat monthly rate comparable to the 3/4” water service line rate as printed in the District By-Laws (Section C of the Monthly Water and Sewer Metered Rate Schedule) for any temporary on-site construction office connected to the sewer main.
(Approved April 10, 2008)
Bond Retirement Assessment Fee
A bond retirement assessment fee is effective as of July 1, 1982. This fee is subject to change from year to year depending upon the growth rate of the community. The bond retirement assessment fee is charged according to Equivalent Residential Unit (EQR) for all users in the District. This assessment schedule has been established to guarantee the retirement of bonds issued to the Wright Water and Sewer District.
Fire Protection
The size of the water service used to determine connection charges and monthly minimum charges are based on the size required to meet normal (non-fire flow) needs when designed in accordance with Section 4 of the By-Laws.
The service charges related to oversized lines required for fire protection systems will consist of a minimum flat rate standby fire charge of $15.00 per month, to be added to the regular water bill. The standby charge is subject to upward adjustment depending on the requirements of the particular protection system.
Water for fire suppression by the Campbell County Fire Department shall be provided at no charge.
(Approved August 13, 2009)